Health and Wellbeing Coach
With a background in Social Work, training in Coaching and extensive work experience in Mental Health and knowledge of Psychological Health and Safety, Angélique's goal is to close the gap within current leadership learning and development programs. At Ubaka, we believe that what sets apart leaders is their level of psychological safety and, building a safe space starts with you. We are here to support you on that journey. We live out these principles, by creating a space where leaders feel safe to reflect, gain insights, practice in a fun and interactive way the necessary skills to create psychologically safe workplace. Our workshops are also designed with those principles at their core. Our Mission is to build a community of psychologically safe leaders and workplaces locally and internationally. We provide a comprehensive range of services designed to empower and transform both individuals and teams from individual and group coaching, conflict conversation coaching, keynote speaking to tailored workshops Our commitment is to provide a space where you will experience growth and transformation through our hands-on, skill-building services tailored to your needs A major goal is to create a community of psychologically safe leaders who will build thriving teams and workplaces

Occupational Information

Service Type: In Person, Virtual
Clientele: Adult (18+)
Languages Spoken: English , French , Kirundi , Russian , Spanish

Appointment/Booking Information

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